north shore

When Dad's Business Trip is in Hawaii...

…you pack your bags and tag along :)

The photography community is pretty closely knit. While we may not always know each other personally, we know each other’s work. If we can’t take a job, we are quick to refer to another trusted photographer. And that’s just how this amazingly sweet and beautiful family ended up in front of my lens during their vacation. Their smiles were big, their enthusiasm bigger, and their shared love for one another the biggest. Mahalo, E family.

North Shore Family Fun

This family is so fun and spirited. When the daughter immediately commented on my “beautiful” mom bun I knew we would be friends. ;) We placed our bets on the weather as Oahu has experienced quite a bit of rain lately…and we won. A little bit of sunshine peeked through the beautiful evening clouds as we walked to our location, which was a bit farther than I expected as the recent swells have moved the landmark tree down the shoreline. We played on said tree and piggybacked our way across the sand. Thanks to this ‘ohana for a memorable evening on the North Shore, and best of all, for making it feel like the beginning of a friendship—mom bun and all.

North Shore Trio Plus Pup

Seconds into meeting this family, they introduced their four-legged furball named Biff. “Biff? As in Back to the Future?” I asked. With an affirmative nod, I knew this crew and session would be memorable. I’m not sure who had more fun twirling around and around, mom or daughter. We got our feet sandy, our toes (and pants and dresses) wet, and chased a beautiful North Shore sunset. My deepest gratitude to this ‘ohana for spending an evening in front of the camera and making these memories.