When you hear leeward or westside of O’ahu, picturesque sunsets probably come to mind before sunrises. But in the morning, the light is just right and the crowds are a distant memory from the prior evening’s sun dipping down beyond the horizon. Well, except for the occasional monk seals in wintertime. The morning is a great time to round-up your crew and head down to the beach with the promise of the gentlest breezes, fewest distractions, and maybe even a delicious hot breakfast afterward. For mainland travelers, the intimidating thought of an early-morning photo session is actually not so bad if you schedule it toward the beginning of your visit. Your body is probably still adjusting to local time, so if you’ll be awake well before sunrise due to the time change, you might as well make the most of it and capture the beauty and memories on camera. Hope to see you soon…maybe bright and early!